Radio MD News... I'm John Byrd. A new "smart insulin" has been developed that could adjust blood sugar levels automatically in type 1 diabetics. Currently, patients are required to manually adjust how much insulin they receive, potentially administering an dangerously inaccurate dose. Each injection of the "smart insulin" could last up to 14 hours. Human trials may begin as soon as two years from now. This is Radio MD News... Four new measles cases in Toronto appear to be from a different strain of the virus than the ones linked to the recent cases in California. Meanwhile, 3 more cases associated with the outbreak at a daycare center in the Chicago area have been confirmed as well. What most of the new patients have in common is they too were unvaccinated for the measles virus, lending even more urgency to the push for such vaccinations. A new study finds that energy drinks are not only dangerous for adults, they can increase the risk of attention deficit disorders and hyperactivity in children. Large doses of caffeine, sugar and other ingredients found in such energy drinks are far greater on average than that contained in soda. Experts recommend limiting consumption if you are an adult and that children should not consume any at all. Yesterday, we told you about the potential weight loss benefits of a moderate intake of red wine... add to that list the main ingredient in chili peppers as well. According to researchers, the main component in the peppers accelerates your metabolism, thereby burning off fat deposits. An extract of the ingredient may soon be available as a dietary supplement. For Radio MD News, I'm John Byrd. For health talk 24/7, log on to