RadioMD News... I'm John Byrd Expectant mothers who take Tylenol regularly for long periods of time could put their unborn sons' testosterone levels at risk, finds new research. This could lead to possible reproductive problems later in life for the child. Experts advise taking the lowest effective dosage for the shortest possible time to avoid potential problems. This is RadioMD News... Eating just one big meal a day instead of several smaller ones has been linked to increased belly fat as well as developing diabetes, found a new study. Skipping meals confuses your metabolism, resulting in stored fat. Nutritionists recommend small meals throughout the day to maximize weight loss and minimize complications. And... caffeine is nature's Viagra? Most men who consumed coffee or tea every day were found to be 42% less likely to suffer impotence, says new data. Even men who were overweight or had high blood pressure were aided. Of course, don't overdo it warn experts. Too much caffeine isn't good for you and it's libel to keep you... well... up all night. For RadioMD News, I'm John Byrd. For health talk 24/7, log on to