RadioMD News... I'm John Byrd. Use of tanning beds is on the decline finds a new government report. Some two million fewer people are engaging in the dangerous practice than just a few years ago. Exposure to UV radiation from indoor tanning is much more intense than being outdoors. Tanning beds are most popular with the 18-29 year old age bracket. This is RadioMD News... While tanning bed use is down, heroin use is up in the U.S. according to another government survey. Over the past decade, some 300,000 new users in fact. Experts believe the increase comes from those who became addicted to prescription painkillers and sought out similar, but cheaper substitutes. And... summer is flip-flop weather, right? But those much-loved warm weather staples might actually be doing you harm. Besides the potential for tripping and falling, the lack of arch support can lead to heel, knee and back conditions. Not to mention the greater likelihood that someone will step on your exposed toes. Doctors recommend wearing them only at the beach to avoid any unwanted repercussions. For RadioMD News, I'm John Byrd. For health talk 24/7, log on to