RadioMD News... I'm John Byrd. The death toll in the New York Legionnaire's disease outbreak risen to 12. It is now officially the largest outbreak in the city's history. National health statistics report that cases of the disease have tripled nationwide in the last decade. Researchers are calling for a revision of public health guidelines to address the growing problem. This is RadioMD News... A large new review on existing research confirms that artificially produced trans fats pose a far greater health risk than natural saturated fats. Consuming trans fats was associated with a 34% increase in mortality. The U.S.D.A has given food manufacturers until 2018 to remove trans fats from their products. And... music can tame more than just the savage beast, it seems. In fact, it appears to have medical benefits as well. A new study has found it may help prevent seizures in people with epilepsy. Although music can't cure epilepsy, the findings suggest it may help prevent seizures or be used as an additional treatment. Music is magical, isn't it? For RadioMD News, I'm John Byrd. For health talk 24/7, log on to