RadioMD News... I'm John Byrd The American Cancer Society has released new guidelines, saying less screenings for breast cancer is better than more. Recommending that women start getting mammograms at 45 instead of 40 and that everyone can skip the routine manual breast checks by doctors, stating that these measures aren't very effective. This is RadioMD News... A significant increase in superbug infections has been observed among children, according to new research. Prevalence in nursing homes and among people with compromised immune systems has been documented, but this is the first time a rise in infections with children has been seen. And... speaking of children, a new study discovered the first-born really might be more intelligent. Each successive sibling was found to have a lower IQ than the last, but it has to do with upbringing, not biology. Younger siblings are generally given more freedom to do what they want, while more pressure is exerted on the first-born to achieve. Teaching their younger siblings about the world also tended to boost their intelligence. For RadioMD News, I'm John Byrd. For health talk 24/7, log on to