RadioMD News... I'm John Byrd The FDA has proposed new regulations for tanning beds, including barring minors from using them and requiring anyone over the age of 18 to sign a waiver acknowledging the risks of using a tanning bed. An estimated 400,000 cases of skin cancer a year result from the use of tanning beds. This is RadioMD News... Annual blood tests helped discover ovarian cancer earlier and reduce mortality, found a large study. Only 40% of women survive 5 years after receiving a diagnosis, but earlier detection has led to a 20% reduction in death overall. And... if someone wants a gaming console on your Christmas list, you might actually be helping their mental health. Playing three-dimensional video games for just a half hour per day may help memory function, suggests new research. The area of the brain associated with complex learning and memory retention was found to be positively impacted when playing 3D games. Of course, spending too much time with them can have other negative health effects like poor physical fitness. For RadioMD News, I'm John Byrd. For health talk 24/7, log on to