Scientists have developed two simple tests that could offer the first non-invasive ways to diagnose the human version of "mad cow" disease. The tests one using a urine sample, the other nasal "brushings" seem to reliably detect the disease. CJD arises when normally benign proteins called prions become "misfolded," killing off brain cells. There are several forms of CJD: The most common one is "sporadic" CJD, which affects about one in a million people worldwide each year. Older adults with too little vitamin D in their blood may have twice the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease as seniors with sufficient levels of the sunshine vitamin. Vitamin D is essential for maintaining bone health. It is also thought to moderate cell growth and help control immune function and inflammation. Vitamin D can be obtained through food, through the skin after exposure to sunlight and from supplements. Dementia describes a decline in memory and thinking that interferes with daily life. Alzheimer's is the most common form of dementia. Adults whose childhood included having a family member in prison are about 15 percent more likely to have poor physical and mental health than those who didn't. The findings suggest that the high rate of imprisonment in the United States may be contributing to long-term health problems in some families. This increased risk was independent of other types of childhood problems such as: emotional, physical and sexual abuse; parental separation or divorce, exposure to domestic violence or substance abuse; and having a family member with mental illness. Women with the eating disorder anorexia nervosa feel a sense of pride about their weight loss, and this positive emotion may play a major role in the deadly condition. Over two weeks, the researchers assessed the emotional states of 118 women, ages 18-58, being treated for anorexia nervosa. Along with negative emotions, the women also felt positive about being able to meet or exceed their weight-loss goals. People with anorexia often starve themselves or exercise obsessively in order to get to a weight that's below normal for their age and height.