Among smokers, those with the least education are at the greatest risk for stroke. The combined effect of low educational level and smoking on the risk of stroke is the most surprising finding. reducing smoking among those with the least education could potentially reduce strokes more than targeting smoking in those with the most schooling. Previous studies show that the most disadvantaged groups are often exposed to a wide number of behavioral risk factors. When large numbers of workers lose their jobs, suicide attempts increase among certain groups of teens. Researchers analyzed the results of a survey of more than 403,000 American teens conducted from 1997 to 2009, along with nationwide data about layoffs. Each year, about 4,600 Americans aged 10 to 24 commit suicide, making it the third most common cause of death in that age group. Also, 157,000 young people aged 10 to 24 are treated for self-inflicted wounds each year. Experts say that teens, their parents and health care professionals should be on the lookout for signs of suicidal thoughts or behavior. About one in five patients with gallbladder pain don't have emergency surgery when they first need it. Most patients who require emergency gallbladder surgery are easily identified, but some present more of a challenge.The researchers analyzed data from more than 3,000 patients with abdominal pain who went to the emergency department at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., and underwent gallbladder surgery within 30 days. This suggests that younger and older patients, as well as those with other health problems, who arrive at the ER with abdominal pain may require a second look before they are sent home. A second doctor working on the front lines of Sierra Leone's fight against Ebola has died after contracting the virus. He passed away yesterday at a treatment center managed by Doctors Without Borders, an international organization that provides emergency medical aid. Health officials said the doctor became ill after treating a patient at Connaught Hospital, the leading facility in the capital of Freetown, where he worked.