RadioMD News... I'm John Byrd Researchers have found a way to force stem cells to become bone cells, giving hope to those who heal slowly. While not a cure for osteoporosis, the scientists say the method could help mend bone fractures or hip replacements, especially in older people. Scientists have also announced that they have been able to grow vocal chords in a laboratory setting, that one day may be able to restore the ability to speak or sing for those with damaged organs. Vocal chords are a very complex and special tissue that is currently difficult or impossible to repair. And... want a happy marriage? Make love once a week, finds an extensive new study. Couples who were the happiest and showed the greatest level of satisfaction with their partnership were sexually active every week. The frequency was determined to be optimum regardless of age, gender or length of relationship. Experts found the intimate connection did wonders for a marriage, even more than increased income. Perhaps that's why it's called "hump day"? For RadioMD News, this is John Byrd. Hear health talk interviews with top experts at RadioMD dot com.