RadioMD News... I'm John Byrd The number of drug shortages in U.S. emergency rooms has quadrupled in the last 7 years, shows a new study. The shortages come because manufacturers can't meet demand nearly half of the time. Many of the medications are for life-threatening conditions. Scientists have come up with a paste that prevents the development of scar tissue from radiation for cancer treatment. Nearly 95% of patients receiving radiation therapy experience scar tissue buildup in the area the radiation is being applied. And... good news... the cold weather isn't going to make you sick. Experts agree that winter, known as cold-and-flu season has nothing to do with the cold weather itself. It's actually because the cold weather forces us inside with other people where germs are more easily passed around. That said, it's important to stay warm this winter. Not to ward off colds and flu, but to maximize your time doing outdoor activities. For RadioMD News, this is John Byrd. Hear health talk interviews with top experts at RadioMD dot com.