RadioMD News... I'm John Byrd When expectant mothers eat fish during pregnancy, it may benefit their children's brains for years to come found a large new study. Three sizable servings per week was found to significantly improve brain function and development in the fetus. Teens are not being tested for HIV as often as recommended, reports the CDC. Less than a quarter of sexually active high school students have been tested and only one-third of students overall have been screened, despite the longstanding recommendations. And... in a related note... teen pot use has been linked to later IQ declines, but two new studies question that. The studies each showed that marijuana use during adolescence did not have an effect on later intelligence. One study did find a relationship between smoking cigarettes and poor performance in school, however. Researchers did advise that this does not mean smoking pot is harmless for teenagers though. For RadioMD News, this is John Byrd. Hear health talk interviews with top experts at RadioMD dot com.