RadioMD News... I'm John Byrd. Scientists have found a protein that helps damaged muscles grow and regenerate. Researchers are hopeful that treatments for muscular dystrophy and aging might result in the near future courtesy of the discovery. Teen diabetes rates in the U.S. are even higher than previously thought and on the rise, a new study finds. Parents can help by keeping kids and teens active and preparing healthy meals that are low in fat, sugar and salt. Limiting portion sizes is also key. And... by now you've most likely heard about the many benefits of what's known as the Mediterranean diet. A new review finds that even a high-fat Mediterranean diet may protect against breast cancer, diabetes and heart disease, too. The Mediterranean diet consists of lots of fish, fruits and vegetables, beans, seeds, grain and cereal; moderate intake of dairy products and red wine and low non-fish meat consumption. Bon appetite! For RadioMD News, this is John Byrd. Hear health talk interviews with top experts at RadioMD dot com.