RadioMD News... I'm John Byrd. The FDA is asking food makers and eating establishments to voluntarily reduce salt levels in their products to help reduce Americans' high salt intake and improve their health. Processed foods and prepared foods have been found to have far too much sodium content. Behavior changes might be the first signs of dementia, finds new research. Previously, experts focused on problems with memory and thinking as an early warning sign. Changes to look for include social withdrawal, angry outbursts, anxiety and obsessiveness. And... some good news for cinnamon lovers. Based on new experiments, cinnamon appears to boost brain power. A daily dose could help memory and overall brain function, say researchers. The discovery has led scientists to the conclusion that the spice could potentially be a treatment for such diseases as Azheimer's as well. More testing is being planned. In the meantime... how does a cinnamon danish sound? For RadioMD News, this is John Byrd. Hear health talk interviews with top experts at RadioMD dot com.