RadioMD News... I'm John Byrd. Flossing may not be as essential for tooth and gum health as we have always assumed it is. For many decades, flossing has been accepted wisdom, but new investigations find issue with that, even going as far as suggesting it's probably just fine to simply use a toothbrush. Omega-3 fatty acids could help heart attack victims recover more fully, a new study finds. In addition to health benefits for the brain, omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil may help improve heart function and reduce scarring in the heart muscle after a heart attack. And... want one more good reason to eat fruit? It may reduce the risk of erectile dysfunction, finds new research. Food rich in flavonoids, such as berries, citrus and even red wine were found to reduce the incidence of erectile dysfunction in a significant way, and just by consuming a few portions a week. In addition to being delicious, berries such as blueberries, cherries, blackberries and currants and citrus fruits such as oranges contain high levels of flavonoids, the chemicals that do the magic. For RadioMD News, this is John Byrd. Hear health talk interviews with top experts at RadioMD dot com.