RadioMD News... I'm John Byrd A major new international study has found that patients treated early for HIV were far less likely to develop AIDS or other serious illnesses. People who were treated while their immune systems were still strong fared far better than those treated later. The findings add even more urgency to early detection and aggressive follow-up. Getting tattoos may be more dangerous than previously thought, says a new study. A surprisingly high number of people reported unwanted side effects such as itching, infections, scarring and more. Because the tattoo industry is largely unregulated, very little testing has been done on the safety of the inks and overall process. And... your job may be killing you... literally. The average American worker spends more than half their day sitting, and that can have serious health consequences including diabetes, heart disease and even early death, finds new research. Just getting up and walking around for 2 minutes every hour can cut the risks considerably. Convincing your boss that getting their own coffee, or going to the copy machine is good for them too, may be a tougher sell however. For RadioMD News, this is John Byrd. Hear health talk interviews with top experts at RadioMD dot com.