RadioMD News... I'm John Byrd. Scientists have discovered yet another possible way to battle cancer: with wasp venom. Specifically the Brazilian wasp. The venom essentially pokes holes in cancer cells, causing them to die, while leaving health cells intact. Researchers say this discovery could create a whole new class of anticancer drugs. The FDA has issued warnings to distributors of pure powdered caffeine after several deaths were reported. The agency doesn't have the legal authority to pull it off the shelves since it is an unregulated substance. The packets of caffeine can contain hundreds or thousands of servings of the stimulant, which can be lethal. And... are you young at heart? If you are over 30, you would be in the minority. New research has found that 3 out of 4 adults in the U.S. have a heart age that is older than their actual age, increasing the risk of heart disease and stroke. The average heart age for men is 8 years older and 5 years for women. Quitting smoking, eating a healthier diet, medication and exercise can all help reduce the aging and therefore the risk. For RadioMD News, this is John Byrd. Hear health talk interviews with top experts at RadioMD dot com.