RadioMD News... I'm John Byrd Scientists have discovered that there is radioactivity in baby formula, and it's significantly higher than expected. The new findings suggest infant formula may represent a risk for potential prolonged health effects. Breast feeding is still the recommended choice for children during infancy. Taller people are at a great risk of developing cancer, says a new study. Every four inches in height increases the risk of cancer by 20% found researchers. The most extreme correlation was for skin cancer, where the percentage jumped to 30% for every four inches. Experts still aren't sure what cases this phenomenon. And... snake bites are far more dangerous than we thought. Actual death and disability due to snake venom is much higher than global estimates say specialists. A shortage of properly trained medical staff familiar with how to administer antivenom exacerbates the situation. Not only that, antivenom stocks are running dangerously low. So whatever you do this weekend, watch out for snakes... especially in the bars. For RadioMD News, this is John Byrd. Hear health talk interviews with top experts at RadioMD dot com.