RadioMD News... I'm John Byrd City life can alter the structure of your brain, says a new study. Scientists have found the sooty particles from exhaust fumes and industrial pollution can increase the risk of strokes, dementia and depression by reducing blood flow to vital parts of your brain. This in turn causes shrinkage of the brain and other damage. Poison-control experts and public health officials are warning about a surge in illnesses and people rushed to hospitals after using synthetic marijuana products. Much like so-called "bath salts", this drug can also cause rapid heartbeat, agitation, delusions, violent behavior and even kidney failure. Named "Spice", the dangerous product is often sold in gas stations across the nation. And... reading bedtime stories to your child does make them smarter. Long suspected, but until now un-proven, new research has definitively shown that reading to pre-school children provides a meaningful and measurable boost in their brain development. For RadioMD News, this is John Byrd. Hear health talk interviews with top experts at RadioMD dot com.