RadioMD News... I'm John Byrd Researchers have discovered that cigarette smoke can make those so-called "superbugs" even more aggressive and far more difficult to eliminate. It seems the smoke triggers the bacteria to strengthen it's defenses, making them more deadly. This is more bad news for smokers who are already more susceptible to infectious diseases than non-smokers. Ever since the FDA warned women that buying breast milk online came with potentially serious health risks, new studies have found some samples also were watered down with cow's milk. Demanding a price premium, the online breast milk market is almost wholly unregulated, leading to safety concerns and even fraud. And... want a sure-fire way to lose weight? An updated review by doctors of popular commercial diets found that only Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig showed evidence for effective long-term weight loss. No word on the leftover chocolate Easter bunny diet. No, that's not a thing. Sounds delicious though, doesn't it? For RadioMD News, this is John Byrd. Hear health talk interviews with top experts at RadioMD dot com.