RadioMD News... I'm John Byrd. It may be possible to repair damaged livers with stem cells and avoid the need for transplants, finds new research. Scientists were able to regenerate liver function in tests for very the first time in a living animal. They are hopeful other organs will react the same, paving the way for treatments in the future. Teen use of the so-called "morning after pill" is climbing dramatically, says a new report. 1 in 5 active teens used the method compared to 1 in 12 just a decade ago. Experts surmise the surge in use is due to the fact that the pill can now be obtained without a prescription. And... in a related note... new fathers put on weight. 3 to 5 pounds more in fact, says new findings. Life changes associated with having kids results in less sleep, less time for exercise, and lots more stress which all culminates in weight gain. Not to mention more "making cookies with the kids" and caving in to a kids favorite: pizza. Who are we "kidding"... it's a favorite of adults, too! For RadioMD News, this is John Byrd. Hear health talk interviews with top experts at RadioMD dot com.