RadioMD News... I'm John Byrd. Air pollution is killing more than 3 million people a year worldwide and could rise to almost 7 million in the next few decades, finds a new study. About 3/4 of the deaths are from strokes and heart attacks brought on by soot and smog. Traffic emissions, power plants, and farming pollution are the main culprits. Sensitive teeth could be a thing of the past now that researchers have developed minute silica particles that can seal the surface. In addition to the sealing properties, the treatment can help restore damage and then protect teeth from future damage. And... good old-fashioned soap is better for you than anti-bacterial soap? In addition to being linked to allergies and cancer, anti-bacterial soap was found to be no better than normal soap at killing germs, discovered new research. Despite claims that anti-bacterial soap kills "99.9%" of all germs, scientists determined that under normal, real-world usage conditions, it was no more effective at removing bacteria. For RadioMD News, this is John Byrd. Hear health talk interviews with top experts at RadioMD dot com.