RadioMD News... I'm John Byrd. Exposure to a type of cattle virus may potentially be linked to developing breast cancer, say researchers. Nearly 60% of breast cancer cells had evidence of bovine leukemia virus in the study. The risk of developing breast cancer was 3 times higher if it was present, than if it was not. Heart attack victims may soon be able to repair much of the damage the attack caused to their heart. Researchers have come up with a protein patch implant that quickly spurred new muscle growth and limited the scarring of tissue. Many patients die within 5-6 years after a heart attack due to previously untreatable damage. And... can't fall asleep at night? Perhaps it's your parents fault. A new study has found that genetics may play a bigger role in insomnia than previously thought. Women were found to be much more likely to inherit the sleep disorder than men. Environmental factors also play a significant role in the condition. Overall, occasional insomnia occurs in 30-35% of the population, while chronic insomnia affects 10% of the population. For RadioMD News, this is John Byrd. Hear health talk interviews with top experts at RadioMD dot com.