RadioMD News... I'm John Byrd Blood cancer patients can benefit from half match donors just as much as full-match, finds new research. Typically, doctors look for perfect matches when seeking bone marrow donors. This is huge news for those whole who lack a fully matched family member donor. Brain scans can help predict who will suffer from depression, says a new study. Significant differences showed up in scans of those who later went on to develop depression. The new data could help the medical field determine who should receive treatment and who will not need it. And... milk does a body good, right? As it turns out, those who consumed milk fat had a lower incidence of heart disease. And research discovered that whole milk is even better for you than skim and lower fat versions. These new findings contradict the government's official Dietary Guidelines which recommend the latter. So next time you drink milk, get a whole milk mustache. Cheers! For RadioMD News, this is John Byrd. Hear health talk interviews with top experts at RadioMD dot com.